WAYS to bring in the FEMININE!
Apr 10, 2022
Heal your relationship to Spirit
By healing the wounds in myself around my relationship to Spirit, I create a strong life enhancing bond between Spirit and myself.
As I share my experience of disconnect from Spirit with others, I heal not only my own wounding, but also the wounding in others.
As I teach others to bring Spirit into their lives in a very real way, I heal mine and their relationship to Spirit too.
Check in with Spirit
When thoughts pop into our head, it's a sign that we are using our Masculine power of reason. The Feminine, on the other hand, always partners and co-creates with Spirit.
So before you act on that new idea, check in with Spirit as to whether your idea is appropriate at this time, or not.
Remember that as long as you are aligned, Spirit always intends Life to be organising around your success, so make checking in with Spirit as your trusted partner a regular practice to receive inner guidance.
Use your feeling body
The Feminine uses her feeling body to receive guidance, and to allow it to come through. In order to feel we must be willing to slow down enough to ask ourselves:
Does this feel right?
Then wait for an inspired feeling to let us know that our idea is a good one, or not!
Create the space for Magic and Miracles
When we let go of control, when we surrender and expect the unexpected in a positive way, we create space for the unpredictable to happen! This can feel like magic and miracles happening in our life. Are you willing to create the space for magic and miracles in your life?
Respect your Feminine energy
In order to be respected by others, the Feminine must first respect herself. So nurture your Feminine energy. Create space for her.
Allow her to bring you life and make you sparkle. Connect with your senses and indulge them, enjoying delicious tastes, exquisite perfumes, stunning views, indulgent and sensual touch, as well as uplifting music.
Connect to your inner Masculine
Just as a man's inner Feminine is like a soft pillow on which he can lay his head and rest, your inner Masculine is your sword. It is needed to protect our divine Feminine energy as she emerges. Our inner Masculine stands for:
- Truth
- Mission and Purpose
- Boundaries
- Visibility
- Focus and Flexibility
- Growth and learning
- Balance of action and rest
- Vitality and aliveness
- Safety
- Clarity
Let go of the illusion that you are not enough
Shame is one of the main barriers to success for women. Messages such as "I am not enough", I am too much", or I am unloveable", limit our ability to be successful and feel that success.
Our inner glass ceilings are composed of limiting beliefs such as these. Each time we transform a limiting belief into a deeper truth about ourselves, we remember the truth of who we really are. We break through another piece of our glass ceiling, and release new energy to enliven ourselves on our pathway forward.