Taking Inspired Action as an Inspired Feminine Leader

After the 12 month Journey


You are then invited to move on to the next stage of the journey which is;


Taking Inspired Action 

as an Inspired Feminine Leader,

to bring your Leadership Project to life

A group coaching program


You may already be in a leadership position or stepping into one. You may want to create and implement a project, but don't feel you have the confidence, support or resources to implement it. This is an opportunity for you to work on a leadership project. You will receive powerful group coaching, group support and encouragement to bring it to fruition. 

You will receive:

* 9 months of powerful group coaching, group support, resources and encouragement to bring your project to fruition. 

* A safe group space, expertise, and accountability for you to create and implement your project using the Inspired Feminine Leaders key foundations.

* A tried and tested format, with the support of up to 8 people in the group, giving you the opportunity to bring your project to fruition. 

*  Continued access to the Inspired Feminine Leaders online program

* Over the 9 months one on one coaching and VIP days are also available to you at preferential rates


For this 9 month journey, the cost is is $1500 and it includes:

*  all 12 online modules,  visualizations that accompany them and bonus materials added every month.

*  a journal for you to capture insights and reflections.

* 9, 2 hour group coaching zoom calls, which equates to 18 hours of coaching.

A 6 month payment plan is available.

This program is only open to women who have already completed the Inspired Feminine Leaders foundational program. 

An extra coaching package which includes one on one coaching and VIP days to use over

the 9 months is available to you at the additional preferential rate of 1000$

What Women are saying about my programs


“I’m now having a bigger impact on myself and others. I’m not doing, I’m not actively trying, I am just being authentically me, and in that there is joy. I feel the transformation within myself, which is the biggest gift. The program had me realize that just by being authentically me, I am enough, and in that I shine, and I shine the light for others, so they can shine too. I’ve learnt and grown so much, thank you for your genius in putting all the content together so beautifully.”

“Through this program I became very clear about who I am. I don’t hold back any more and I’ve become a voice of truth. I feel so supported by this program. I’m really stepping into authenticity.  I now see that I can inspire people, especially young people. It’s become easy for me to be a relaxed leader. I am really touched, the warmth and wisdom you have shown, it is beyond my expectations. All the knowledge and program materials are extraordinary and very helpful to my personal growth. Thank you, Alison for your amazing work every month and to the group for being so open-hearted.”

“I was so stuck. I wanted to have more fun in my life. So many things I was struggling with just resolved. My real project has been my relationship to myself. It’s phenomenal as compared to a year ago how much more fun and laughter I have in my life. I’ve learned to say no more, and to respond using my head and heart together. I’m calmer, I speak slower, and I have more joy. I’m OK. I know my truth and my intentions. It’s a real joy to see the change. Thank you.”

“This has been a healing journey for me. There’s been a lot of grief, healing and challenge, but my vision manifested. I have greater wisdom and more grounded confidence. I feel like I’ve built a more stable, greater foundation. I now see where I wasn’t being true to my heart, where I was denying my heart. I have released the old with integrity and with gratitude. I now have a lot more courage to try something different, to try something new, to keep on going. I’ve discovered a deeper ground, a deeper courage and a deeper confidence.The transformation is this grounded wisdom and confidence.”

“Before this program, I was lacking self-confidence and self-love. I have dealt with many challenges. I managed to overcome them all. I have experienced a huge release of heaviness and overwhelm. I feel clearer. I’ve had an amazing, transformative year in different areas of my life, workwise, personally, and as a mother. I now believe in myself, I am willing to put my gifts out there. I’m just loving it, I’m loving life, I’m learning to live and enjoy and let go. I’ve become a more self-respecting, self-confident lovely person! I’m kinder, I am more patient, I have slowed down. I don’t need material things. I’m decluttering my life in a big way. This is amazing. I’m feeling truly more hopeful and joyful as I go forward. I’m owning my feminine energy more, and loving myself more, and protecting myself, which is a new kind of experience for me. I’m in awe because I’m deeply rooted in myself and supported by practices to help me get clearer, get more grounded.  This is a wonderful program, thank you.”

“Thank you, Alison for the richness of what you teach, for the magic with which you color what you undertake. I now see that my uniqueness and very different perspectives and eccentricities have a definite place in this world. I am willing to step forward alone, rather than stay quiet at the back. This program adds more windows and doors to possibility that I might not have known were there. Thank you for showing women and the world the power of women. I experienced that the whole universe is organizing around my success when I’m aligned. You give hope that anything is possible, and that it’s time to take my place.”

Join us


Limited spots available for each journey,

Contact Alison now to avoid disappointment.