My Blog

The Mother Wound

The Sister Wound

Queen Killing

Imposter Syndrome

Understanding Grief

Living the Masteries - Coaching in Marriage

The Coaching MasteriesĀ® - Foundations for Living

You and your business Who are you being out in the world?

WAYS to bring in the FEMININE!

The Masculine & Feminine Archetypes

Spiritual Intelligence

Living the Masteries amidst religious conflict & political tension


Books That Have Inspired Me

Queen Bees and Wanabees, Rosalind Wise

The War of Art, Steven Pressfield

Patriarchy Stress Disorder, Valerie Rein

Rise Sister Rise, Rebecca Campbell

The Queen’s Code, Alison J. Armstrong

Believe, Build, Become, Debbie Wosskow

Resonant Leadership, Richard E. Boyatzis

Ask your Guides, Sonia Choquette

Conscious Leadership, John Mackey

Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek

Reinventing Organizations, Frédéric Laloux

Life Visioning, Michael Beckwith

Dare to Lead, Brené Brown

Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo

The Beautiful No, Sheri Salata


The Way of Grace, Miranda Macpherson

The Moment of Lift, Melinda Gates

Chillpreneur, Denise Duffield-Thomas

The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks

Stand Out, Marcus Buckingham

Sacred Space, Denise Linn

Radical Brilliance, Arjuna Ardagh

The Abundance Project, Derek Rydell

Conscious Living, Gay Hendricks

Learning to Love Yourself, Gay Hendricks

Resilience from the Heart, Gregg Braden

The Universe Has Your Back, Gabrielle Bernstein

Change the World, Robert E. Quinn

Discover Your Woman Within, Charlene Bell Tosi

Thrive, Arianna Huffington

Women, Men and the whole damn thing, David Lesser

Spoon Fed and The Diet Myth, Tim Spector

The Power of TED, David Emerald

Light is the New Black, Rebecca Campbell

The Intelligence Trap, David Robson

A Woman's Heart, Angela Maas

Do Less, Kate Northrup

Find your Strongest Life, What the Happiest and Most Successful Women do Differently, Marcus Buckingham

Meta Human, Deepak Chopra

Braving the Wilderness, Brené Brown

The Mother Dance, Harriet Lerner

The Dance of Connection, Harriet Lerner

Daring Greatly, Brené Brown

The Law of Divine Compensation, Marianne Williamson

Trust Your Vibes, Sonia Choquette

Embodying the Feminine, Chameli Ardagh

How Love Works, Jeff and Sue Allen

Big magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

 Rising Strong, Brené Brown

Conscious Men, John Gray and Arjuna Ardagh

The Quest of Rose, Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman